Valkyries | Team CrossFit Academy | CrossFit Serving Monrovia, CA and Surrounding Cities
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March 24, 2014

This program is open only to Academy females who have sufficed to meet intermediate criteria.  These females are very close to a full-time fitness athlete.  Based on the “Sport of Fitness” and its demands both in qualifying for and testing within, we at Team CrossFit Academy believe that the demands for females and males in the sport are different; therefore, the training cycles create a heavier emphasis on upper body relative strength work and power due to those being the most common deficiencies our coaches see in competitive female fitness athletes.  These cycles last eleven weeks long with a one week deload following; however, most of the females on the team can create a more detailed approach depending on their individual schedule of events.  Additional equipment will need to be purchased in order to lift on this program.